Livestreaming Subreddits

Livestream Subreddit Demo GIF

*This GIF has been cut for demonstration purposes.

All Flags

These are all the flags that may be used when livestreaming Subreddits.

[-lr <subreddit>]


poetry run -lr <subreddit>

Default stream objects: Comments. To stream submissions instead, include the --stream-submissions flag.

You can livestream comments or submissions that are created within a Subreddit.

Reddit object information will be displayed in a PrettyTable as they are submitted.

NOTE: PRAW may not be able to catch all new submissions or comments within a high-volume Subreddit, as mentioned in these disclaimers located in the "Note" boxes.

Livestreaming Redditors

Livestream demo was not recorded for Redditors because its functionality is identical to the Subreddit livestream.

All Flags

These are all the flags that may be used when livestreaming Redditors.

[-lu <redditor>]


poetry run -lu <redditor>

Default stream objects: Comments. To stream submissions instead, include the --stream-submissions flag.

You can livestream comments or submissions that are created by a Redditor.

Reddit object information will be displayed in a PrettyTable as they are submitted.

Do Not Save Livestream to File

Include the --nosave flag if you do not want to save the livestream to file.