Error Messages

This document will briefly go over all the potential error messages you might run into while using URS.

Table of Contents

Global Errors

Invalid Arguments

/\  __/
\ \____\
 \/____/... [ERROR MESSAGE]

 Please recheck args or refer to help for usage examples.

This message is displayed if you have entered invalid arguments. The specific error will follow ....

You can use the -h flag to see the help message or the -e flag to display example usage.

Export Error

/\ \
\ \ \
 \ \ \
  \ \_\
    \/_/... An error has occurred while exporting scraped data.


This message is displayed if an error occured while exporting the data. This applies to the scraper tools or word frequencies tool. The specific error will be printed under the art.

PRAW Errors

Invalid API Credentials or No Internet Connection

/\ '__`\
\ \ \L\ \
 \ \ ,__/... Please recheck API credentials or your internet connection.
  \ \ \/
   \ \_\

Prawcore exception: [EXCEPTION]

This message is displayed if you enter invalid API credentials or if you are not connected to the internet. The exception is printed under the art.

Recheck the environment variables in .env to make sure your API credentials are correct.

No Reddit Objects Left to Scrape

/' _ `\
/\ \/\ \
\ \_\ \_\
 \/_/\/_/... No [OBJECTS] to scrape! Exiting.

This message is displayed if the Reddit objects you have passed in have failed validation (does not exist), are skipped, and there are no longer any objects left for URS to process for that specific scraper.

Rate Limit Reached

/\ \
\ \ \
 \ \ \  __
  \ \ \L\ \
   \ \____/
    \/___/... You have reached your rate limit.

Please try again when your rate limit is reset: [DATE]

PRAW has rate limits. This message is displayed if you have reached the rate limit set for your account. The reset date will vary depending on when you ran URS. The date I received during testing is usually 24 hours later.

Analytical Tool Errors

Invalid File

\/\ \
 \ \ \
  \ \_\
   \/_/... [ERROR MESSAGE]

This message is displayed when you have passed in an invalid file to generate word frequencies or a wordcloud for. The specific error will follow ....