
Table of Contents

Export File Format

All files except for those generated by the wordcloud tool are exported to JSON by default. Wordcloud files are exported to PNG by default.

URS supports exporting to CSV as well, but JSON is the more versatile option.

Exporting to CSV

You will have to include the --csv flag to export to CSV.

You can only export to CSV when using:

  • The Subreddit scrapers.
  • The word frequencies generator.

These tools are also suitable for CSV format and are optimized to do so if you want to use that format instead.

The --csv flag is ignored if it is present while using any of the other scrapers.

Export Directory Structure

All exported files are saved within the scrapes directory and stored in a sub-directory labeled with the date. Many more sub-directories may be created in the date directory. Sub-directories are only created when its respective tool is run. For example, if you only use the Subreddit scraper, only the subreddits directory is created.

PRAW Scrapers

The subreddits, redditors, or comments directories may be created.

PRAW Livestream Scrapers

The livestream directory is created when you run any of the livestream scrapers. Within it, the subreddits or redditors directories may be created.

Analytical Tools

The analytics directory is created when you run any of the analytical tools. Within it, the frequencies or wordclouds directories may be created. See the Analytical Tools section for more information.

Example Directory Structure

This is the samples directory structure generated by nomad, a modern tree alternative I wrote in Rust.

└── 06-02-2021
    ├── analytics
    │   ├── frequencies
    │   │   ├── comments
    │   │   │   └── What’s something from the 90s you miss_-all.json
    │   │   ├── livestream
    │   │   │   └── subreddits
    │   │   │       └── askreddit-comments-20_44_11-00_01_10.json
    │   │   └── subreddits
    │   │       └── cscareerquestions-search-'job'-past-year-rules.json
    │   └── wordcloud
    │       ├── comments
    │       │   └── What’s something from the 90s you miss_-all.png
    │       ├── livestream
    │       │   └── subreddits
    │       │       └── askreddit-comments-20_44_11-00_01_10.png
    │       └── subreddits
    │           └── cscareerquestions-search-'job'-past-year-rules.png
    ├── comments
    │   └── What’s something from the 90s you miss_-all.json
    ├── livestream
    │   └── subreddits
    │       ├── askreddit-comments-20_44_11-00_01_10.json
    │       └── askreddit-submissions-20_46_12-00_01_52.json
    ├── redditors
    │   └── spez-5-results.json
    ├── subreddits
    │   ├── askreddit-hot-10-results.json
    │   └── cscareerquestions-search-'job'-past-year-rules.json
    └── urs.log