git status - git status in Tree Form

Use git status to see the Git status in tree form. You can run this in lieu of running nomad in normal mode to only see tracked files that contain a Git status.

This command pairs well with the other Git commands described below this section.


    nd git status [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -L, --all-labels           Label both files and directories. Alias for `-n -l`
    -h, --help                 Prints help information
    -l, --label-directories    Label directories with characters
        --loc                  Display code statistics (lines of code, blanks, and comments) for each item
    -m, --metadata             Show item metadata such as file permissions, owner, group, file size, and last modified time 
        --no-colors            Do not display any colors
        --no-git               Do not display Git status markers
        --no-icons             Do not display icons
    -n, --numbered             Label directory items with numbers
        --plain                Mute icons, Git markers, and colors to display a plain tree
    -s, --stats                Display traversal statistics after the tree is displayed
        --summary              Display `tokei` (lines of code counter) statistics. This only applies if `--loc` is provided 
    -V, --version              Prints version information

        --export <export>      Export the tree to a file. Optionally include a target filename
    -p, --pattern <pattern>    Only display items matching this pattern. Supports regex expressions