git branch

You can use the git branch subcommand to display all your branches in a tree form (this may be disabled, see the Usage section).

nomad's git branch displays additional data by default, such as:

  • Whether a branch is HEAD
  • Whether an upstream branch is set

Unfortunately I have not implemented git checkout for v1.0.0, but I plan on implementing it in the next version for quick branch switching.


    nd git branch [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -f, --flat          Display branches in a normal list
    -h, --help          Prints help information
        --no-icons      Do not display icons
    -n, --numbered      Label branches with numbers
    -s, --statistics    Display the total number of branches
    -V, --version       Prints version information

        --export <export>      Export the tree to a file. Optionally include a target filename
    -p, --pattern <pattern>    Only display branches matching this pattern. Supports regex expressions