git blame

NOTE: Requires a preceeding run in a labeled mode.

You can use the git blame subcommand to quickly blame a file. This subcommand only accepts one file, so directory labels will not work!

nomad's git blame offers some visual improvements over the original git blame command:

  • Commit hashes, authors, and timestamps are colorized differently to provide contrast among the columns
  • Lines are colorized based on a unique color assigned to each author
    • These colors are randomly chosen and will be different each time you run git blame. Commits made by you are plain white whereas commits by other authors are assigned a color.


    nd git blame [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <file-number>

        --emails     Display emails for each blame line instead of timestamps
    -h, -help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -l, --lines <lines>...    Restrict a range of lines to display in the blame 

    <file-number>    Display a blame for this file